The discovery will improve the accuracy of serological tests by using local strains instead of international viruses.
Researchers have identified clusters of influenza A viruses in Colombia for the first time , which could significantly improve diagnostic testing for the disease in the country. This finding will allow the development of more accurate detection tools, using local strains instead of international viruses .

The study, conducted by veterinarian Andrés Felipe Ospina Jiménez , a Master in Animal Health from the National University of Colombia (UNAL) , was based on information provided by the National Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory of the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) and Porkcolombia . Through genetic analysis of the virus, five groups of H1N1 were identified , two of which were found to be exclusive to the country : Antioquia (2016) and Cundinamarca (2011) . In addition, the presence of the H3N2 virus of human origin was confirmed in Colombia for the first time .

Impact on pig production
Influenza A virus affects the health of pigs by reducing their feed intake and slowing their growth , which leads to higher costs for pig farmers . In addition, infection can predispose animals to secondary diseases caused by bacteria such as Pasteurella and Streptococcus , contributing to the development of porcine respiratory disease complex .

“As it is a zoonotic microorganism that is transmitted from animals to humans and vice versa , it is essential to know what is happening with the virus in the field , especially in domestic animals such as pigs , with which we maintain close contact . As it is a zoonotic microorganism , its surveillance is crucial,” explained Ospina Jiménez .

Improvements in serological diagnosis
Current serological tests in Colombia use influenza A strains from the United States and viruses from the 1930s and 1998 , which affects their accuracy . According to the study, by using Colombian viruses in these tests, an increase in the detection of positive cases was achieved , doubling the effectiveness compared to international reference viruses .

The results of this research contribute to the antigenic characterization of the influenza A virus in the Colombian swine population , strengthening the diagnosis of the disease and allowing the development of a seed virus bank . This will not only optimize serological tests , but will also improve the country’s capacity to respond to future health threats .