R. Forero*1, M. Gaimard1, S. Lesceu1, C. Redal1, J-E. Drus1, C. Lefebvre1, P. Pourquier. Innovative Diagnostics, 310 rue Louis Pasteur, 34790 Grabels – FRANCE . *Corresponding Author: rafael.forero@innovative-diagnostics.com Avian infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is...
Recording antibiotic use at an individual pig level
It is likely that the registration of antibiotic usage will become stricter in the coming years. With a precision health injecting device, more accurate treatment and recording down to the individual pig is possible. In the ongoing fight towards reducing antibiotic...
Elanco Announces Breakthrough Treatment for Deadly Canine Parvovirus
Elanco Animal Health Incorporated (NYSE: ELAN) today announced the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has provided a conditional license for the first Canine Parvovirus Monoclonal Antibody. This is the first and only approved therapeutic solution proven to treat...
Using Amniotic Membrane for Wound Healing in Horses
Researchers have discovered a way to make equine amniotic membrane, a treatment option for wound healing, more accessible. One of the realities of managing horses is how frequently they sustain wounds, lacerations, and other injuries. While their sleek limbs afford...
Heat stress in dairy cows housed in confinement systems
Lactating cows experience heat stress, particularly during peak milk production, and dry cows experience heat stress particularly during the transition period. To minimise the impact of heat stress in dairy cows, confinement systems have emerged as an alternative to...
Effect of low incubation temperature and low ambient temperature
In past decades, a large improvement in poultry production has been made due to genetic selection breeding fast-growing broilers strains. These advances in chicken growth rate were not associated with a parallel development of the respiratory, metabolic, and locomotor...
Respiratory Molecules Could Lead to Customized Equine Asthma Treatments
Not all equine asthma cases are the same. In fact, they can vary considerably depending on which molecules are involved. This can change the way veterinarians pinpoint treatments to address the action of those molecules, according to veterinary researchers. One...
Demographic headwinds to dog population growth
while forecasts can have short shelf lives, being overtaken by unforeseen events, there’s no question that the U.S. economy and American households have been buffeted by COVID-19 shutdowns and illnesses, patches of job insecurity despite low unemployment rates and...
French lab makes progress with ASF vaccine
A laboratory of the French government agency ANSES reports promising results in the search for a vaccine against African Swine Fever (ASF). A vaccine to combat ASF could be produced based on research carried out by ANSES’s Ploufragan-Plouzané-Niort Laboratory. ‘The...