Dear Customers, Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to introduce our new PCR kit for the detection of CEM, 
the ID Gene Lyo™ Contagious Equine Metritis TKP Quadruplex qPCR kit (cat. IDCEML).

This assay allows for the simultaneous detection by Real-Time PCR of:                
Taylorella equigenitalis
Klebsiella pneumoniae
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
An exogenous Internal Control

It may be used:

  • For the control of mares and stallions before reproduction every season
  • For rapid confirmation of clinical cases 
  • As a first-intention test for tracing infected horses in an outbreak situation 
  • For pre-export testing of stallions and mares where the titer of bacteria is often very low

The same scheme is often applied to Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa


The ID Gene Lyo™ Contagious Equine Metritis TKP Quadruplex qPCR kit provides accurate and reliable results:

  • Excellent inclusivity and exclusivity
  • Better correlation with bacteriology results compared to other commercial kits
  • Validated on swabs and semen (including swabs in amies-charcoal medium)
  • Kit registered by the French National Reference Laboratory (ANSES)


The ID Gene Lyo™ Contagious Equine Metritis TKP Quadruplex qPCR offers a flexible and convenient protocol:

  • Ultra-rapid and standardized protocol, adapted to high throughput analysis:
    Direct lysis for swabs in 10 min – without any purification steps
     Amplification in 35 min
  • Freeze-dried reagents allow for shipping at room temperature: easier, cost-effective and environmentally friendly.