
Johne’s Disease – environmental and dam risks

Johne’s Disease – environmental and dam risks

Johne’s Disease is a chronic disease of ruminants, endemic in the UK and other nations, and is responsible for large economic losses in the dairy sector. The disease is caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), which typically infects calves...

Classical Swine Fever (Hog Cholera)

Classical Swine Fever (Hog Cholera)

Occurrence: Absent, or eradicated from many countries and notifiable.
Age affected: All ages.
Causes: Classical Swine Fever (CSF) virus.
Effects: Fever, inappetence, often nervous signs, diarrhoea, abortion, mummies and high mortality.Classical swine fever is caused...

Brazil confirms bird flu in main poultry-producing state

Brazil confirms bird flu in main poultry-producing state

According to Brazil’s Official Veterinary Service, 2 new outbreaks have been confirmed in the country, this time in the state of Paraná, a state that accounts for 35% of Brazil’s poultry production. The Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply updated...

What’s the Ideal Feeding Schedule for Dogs?

What’s the Ideal Feeding Schedule for Dogs?

A recent study suggested that once-a-day feeding schedule for adult dogs is best, but one of the study authors says the data don’t support a blanket recommendation for all dogs. A study that made headlines last year found an association between dogs who were fed just...

ASF Russia: Coral fully recovered from massive outbreak

ASF Russia: Coral fully recovered from massive outbreak

The Russian company Coral, that culled 414,000 pigs as a result of a massive African Swine Fever (ASF) outbreak in 2020, has fully restored operations, Alexey Simonenko, production director of Coral, disclosed during an industry conference. The outbreak has not pushed...

Reducing zoonotic disease transmission in dairy farms

Reducing zoonotic disease transmission in dairy farms

oonotic diseases are a significant public health concern and an occupational risk for farm workers who are in regular contact with dairy cattle. In addition, increased zoonotic infections decrease dairy farm labour force productivity. Therefore, it is essential from a...

Canine Influenza (Dog Flu)

Canine Influenza (Dog Flu)

Canine influenza is one of several viruses that cause canine infectious respiratory disease complex (kennel cough). Symptoms are typically mild but can progress to pneumonia. A vaccine for canine influenza is available with no more than the typical side effects of any...

How do herd closure and rollover contribute to eliminating PRRS?

How do herd closure and rollover contribute to eliminating PRRS?

Researchers from China demonstrated the application of herd closure and the rollover approach without deliberate live virus exposure in a farrow-to-finishing herd after a severe PRRS outbreak. Herd closure and rollover is a popular PRRSV elimination strategy with...

Avian influenza: mink species particularly problematic

Avian influenza: mink species particularly problematic

The Finnish Food Authority has declared that all minks be euthanised at fur farms where avian influenza has been detected. According to the Finnish Food Authority, this decision has been made because the upper respiratory tract of a mink contains receptors that can...

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