
New vaccine to combat M. bovis in dairy herds

New vaccine to combat M. bovis in dairy herds

A new live, single-strain vaccine is set to come on the market next year to help dairy and beef farmers in their battle against Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis). Cited as the most common pathogen in respiratory disease diagnoses, M. bovis is a significant problem facing UK...

How often do you vaccinate for parvo?

How often do you vaccinate for parvo?

A trainer I admire who has a large social media presence asked her followers about how they manage their adult dogs’ vaccinations against parvovirus: Do they vaccinate once a year, once every three years, never, or titer and then decide?I’m pretty sure she specified...

New ELISA reference for Besnoitiosis detection

New ELISA reference for Besnoitiosis detection

Dear Colleagues We are pleased to announce the launch of a new competitive ELISA for the detection of bovine Besnoitiosis, the ID Screen® Besnoitia Competition (Product code: BSNTC) ID Screen® Besnoitia Competition enables the detection of IgG & IgM directed...

Break Your Dog’s Biting Habit

Break Your Dog’s Biting Habit

Biting things, in general, is one of the most common behaviors in dogs. They are animals that interact with their environment mainly through their mouths , so it should not surprise us that they start using it even when they are puppies. At that early age,...

Backyard pig in US found infected with H5N1

Backyard pig in US found infected with H5N1

A backyard pig in the American state Oregon has been found positive for avian influenza A, type H5N1, according to the US Department of Agriculture. The discovery constitutes the first-known case of the virus emerging in swine. The finding occurred on a non-commercial...

How to Treat Dog Wounds

How to Treat Dog Wounds

How to determine if your dog's wound warrants veterinary attention, and how to treat it if home care is appropriate.Dogs are naturally curious, physical, and exuberant, and while we love this about them, these characteristics can also lead to unintentional injuries....

Aujeszky’s Disease (Pseudorabies)

Aujeszky’s Disease (Pseudorabies)

Occurrence: Formerly present in many countries, it has been eradicated from some and is Notifiable in many.
Age affected: All ages
Causes: Aujeszky’s Disease virus
Effects: Respiratory signs, abortion, stillbirths, mummies, pre-weaning deaths with nervous signs. In...

Contagious Equine Metritis: new PCR available!

Contagious Equine Metritis: new PCR available!

Dear Customers, Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to introduce our new PCR kit for the detection of CEM, the ID Gene Lyo™ Contagious Equine Metritis TKP Quadruplex qPCR kit (cat. IDCEML). This assay allows for the simultaneous detection by Real-Time PCR of:  ...

Steroids for Dogs: Pros & Cons

Steroids for Dogs: Pros & Cons

Owners love these effective drugs for the visible speed of their action, but they should be used with care, as their powerful effects can cause harm, too. here are a few health conditions for which the long-term use of a steroid may be indicated, such as certain...

Bioadvance Centroamérica S.A.

(+506) 4000 1211

Santa Ana, San José, Costa Rica