Gastrointestinal parasites can play havoc in the digestive tract of all animal species, causing a lack of appetite, diarrhoea and poor growth, leading to economic losses for the farm. Selective breeding for parasite resistance in combination with other integrated...
Neonatal diarrhoea and coccidiosis – can we do better?
Neonatal diarrhoea and diarrhoea caused by Cystoisospora suis are very common and relevant problems in modern pig production. Commonly associated with increased pre-weaning mortality, poor growth rates and variation in weight at weaning. Having an effective...
Pythiosis: A Scary and Emerging Disease
An organism that grows in stagnant water is widening its reach in the U.S. Sometimes referred to as “swamp cancer,” pythiosis in dogs has a high mortality rate if not diagnosed and treated early. Pythiosis is a rare but deadly disease in dogs, humans, horses, and...
Probiotics and its impact on calf gut health
Probiotic supplementation provides beneficial effects that promote growth performance while reducing digestive disorders.Diarrhoea in calves occurs at approximately 2 weeks of age and is often linked with gut microbiota disorder and damage to the gut mucosal barrier....
How is Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea virus (PEDv) controlled and prevented in the US?
The economic impact includes a high mortality rate in piglets, reduced volumes of available pig and hog supplies, and a decrease in annual returns for packers, processors, distributors, and retailers. What is PEDv?Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea virus (PEDv) is a...
Mexico manages to stop avian flu, a virus that keeps the world on alert
This type of influenza, which especially affects poultry, poses a great risk to the fifth largest producer of chickens and eggs. Its greatest danger is that it begins to adapt to more and more species, as it is already doing in other parts of the world. The...
The avian influenza vaccination, moving in the right direction but at a slow speed
With a strong know-how on new technology vaccines for avian influenza, vaccine manufacturer, Ceva animal health, has ample experience in controlling the disease. Time for Poultry World to sit down with their experts, Sylvain Comte, Christophe Cazaban, Bertrand le...
Avian influenza: Unspeakable damage and unexplainable consequences
With millions of commercially raised birds affected by avian influenza on thousands of premises in major poultry-producing nations, the call for vaccination is getting louder. So much so that the IEC and IPC drafted a joint statement to convince the industry,...
New multispecies ELISA test for the detection of avian influenza A damage
ID Screen® Influenza A Antigen Capture, is the new multispecies ELISA test for the detection of the outbreak of avian influenza A in bronchopneumonal fluids of multiple species; including horses, pigs, birds or in swabs or avian feces. Influenzaviruses A, B, and C,...