Signs of Cushing’s Disease

Signs of Cushing’s Disease

Clinical signs of Cushing’s, no matter its primary cause, may include one or most of the following: Polyuria (increased frequency of urination), polydipsia (increased thirst), and polyphagia (increased, ravenous hunger). Weakening and atrophy of the muscles of the...
First case of dairy cows hit by bird flu in the US

First case of dairy cows hit by bird flu in the US

Avian influenza, also known as bird flu, has been identified in dairy cattle in Texas, Kansas and New Mexico, officials in the US have confirmed. This is the first time that cows have tested positive for bird flu. In Texas, Kansas and New Mexico, investigations are...
Inclusion Body Rhinitis

Inclusion Body Rhinitis

Occurrence: Worldwide.
Age affected: All ages, human risk.
Causes: Porcine cytomegalovirus (PCMv); poor ventilation.
Effects: Mostly no signs, inappetence, sneezing, fever, infertility, small litters, stillbirth, mummies. Inclusion body rhinitis is caused by an...