by admin | Sep 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
Canine influenza is one of several viruses that cause canine infectious respiratory disease complex (kennel cough). Symptoms are typically mild but can progress to pneumonia. A vaccine for canine influenza is available with no more than the typical side effects of any...
by admin | Sep 19, 2023 | Uncategorized
Researchers from China demonstrated the application of herd closure and the rollover approach without deliberate live virus exposure in a farrow-to-finishing herd after a severe PRRS outbreak. Herd closure and rollover is a popular PRRSV elimination strategy with...
by admin | Sep 13, 2023 | Uncategorized
The Finnish Food Authority has declared that all minks be euthanised at fur farms where avian influenza has been detected. According to the Finnish Food Authority, this decision has been made because the upper respiratory tract of a mink contains receptors that can...
by admin | Sep 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
Panama. Reinforcing the surveillance of animal mobilization checkpoints and the release of sterile flies in West Panama, Herrera and Veraguas, are part of the immediate actions coordinated by the Animal Health and Agricultural Quarantine Directorates of the Ministry...
by admin | Aug 30, 2023 | Uncategorized
Avian Chlamydiosis is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci and is also known as Psittacosis or Ornithosis. It produces a systemic infection, mainly respiratory, and is occasionally fatal in birds and mammals, including humans. In...