
South Korean company, world leader in rapid tests for the Immunochromatography and Immunofluorescence technique. It offers the most complete catalog of tests for Canines and Felines (35 different kits) characteristic that no other company in the world can boast. All tests include direct consumables, and their development takes into account the epidemiology of the region.

Rapid FIV Ab / FeLV Ag test kit
Excellent combination for simultaneous diagnosis of the two most common diseases that affect felines in our region.
High Sensitivity and Specificity that give it an unbeatable option for its use.
Rapid CDV Ag test kit
Diagnostic test for Distemper Virus Antigens in canine eyelid swab samples.
Minimum sensitivity of 98.8% and minimum Specificity of 97.7 vs. PCR.

Rapid CPV / CCV / Giardia Ag test kit
Rapid test for simultaneous diagnosis of the presence of Antigens of three microorganisms (Parvovirus, Coronavirus, and Giardia) in feces, which severely affect the health of canines, which produce similar symptoms, and require immediate differentiation by the professional. Its high Sensitivity and Specificity guarantee an accurate, differential and prompt diagnosis for the benefit of the patient.
Rapid CaniV-4
Rapid test for the detection of Dirofilaria immitis Antigens, and Antibodies against Anaplasma platys, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia burgdoferi and Erhlicha canis; which are the vector-borne microorganisms that most affect canines in our region, which show similar symptoms, but require different management.